Montessori Marketing Insider

Facebook Ads or Google AdWords: Pros and Cons of Each Platform and When to Use Them

Facebook Ads. Google AdWords. Social media marketing. Target audiences.


Reaching parents of potential future students online through paid advertising can seem intimidating, or like a shot in the dark — especially if you’ve never done this sort of thing before.


We wanted to take a few minutes to break it down for you and illuminate the pros and cons of both Facebook and Google AdWords platforms so you can make the most out of your social media marketing efforts.


Why should you advert…

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The Complete Guide to Google AdWords for Montessori Schools


Marketing a Montessori School is difficult. How is that for the understatement of the century?


One of the questions we get most often is, simply, “Where do I start?”


What marketing avenues actually move the needle? And, what marketing channels provide the most reliable returns on your investment?


The answer, in our years of experience marketing our own Montessori schools, has consistently been Google AdWords.


An Overview

Google AdWords, sometimes also referred to as Pay-Per-Clic…

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Facebook Ad Strategy: How to Increase Enrollment by Advertising Less

Facebook Ad Strategy How to Increase Enrollment by Advertising Less

Two billion people use Facebook every month.


When you think about that for a moment, it’s no wonder roughly 5 million businesses choose to advertise on the social media site.


With a little time and effort, Facebook can be a powerful advertising tool for your Montessori school—one that can help you increase enrollment by reaching even more potential families.


In this blog we will take a look at how to utilize Facebook advertising effectively (and for any budget) with the help of a few…

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Facebook Pixel: Re-market to website visitors on Facebook


Have you ever paid for advertising on Facebook but felt disappointed in the results?


You can see there was engagement, but you don’t know anything about the visitors and you have no way to communicate with them again...or do you? 


The Facebook Pixel allows you to do exactly that.


First, what is the Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code you place on your website. This code automatically detects if a visitor on your website is logged into Facebook and tracks their acco…

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Website design: Creating the Perfect Homepage


There are many thousands of primary and elementary schools out there for parents to consider. In many cases, your website is the only chance you get to show parents why they should choose you over your competition. 

While having a beautiful website is often desirable, I think I speak for every Montessorian when I say that I would choose an effective and highly converting website that grows my school over a pretty website any day.

I'm happy to tell you that this is actually quite simple to do i…

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Google My Business: Enable parents to discover your Montessori School on Google

Google My Business - Enable parents to discover your Montessori School on Google

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Calendly: Let Parents Schedule a Tour Online, for Free


If you’re looking for a quick win for your Montessori school’s marketing, this is the blog for you.


We’ll be discussing Calendly, a software that allows parents to schedule a tour online for free, with automatic follow-up and rescheduling, completely eliminating the need for manual scheduling.


Interested? Let’s get started

The Problem

If you are like most Montessori schools, you manually schedule tours. Someone in your office has the unfortunate task of scheduling, confirming, remindi…

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Trackable links: Powerful (and easy) website tracking that you've never heard of

Trackable links - Powerful (and easy) website tracking that you've never heard of

Have you ever:

  • Felt frustrated by the lack of clarity in your website analytics data?
  • Known that your social marketing was effective but not sure exactly which part?
  • Wished you knew which marketing efforts produced the best tours?


It’s incredibly frustrating to try to make major decisions without accurate and specific data, especially when it comes to online marketing. That’s why tracking should be a critical piece of every Montessori school’s marketing strategy.


In fact, how seri…

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Cost Per Enrollment: Know This Number and Win at Marketing


Marketing has changed.


You no longer have to advertise as broadly as possible in hopes that your school enrollment increases as a by-product.


Now, you can track (down to the penny) how much each new enrollment costs you and where you should direct your budget to reap the best results.


That’s the magic number: your cost per enrollment (hereafter referred to as CPE).


Knowing this number will allow you to reliably increase your Montessori school’s enrollment through digital marke…

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Lead Magnets: Why No One Wants Your Newsletter (and What to Do Instead)

Lead magnets - why no one wants your newsletter and what to do instead


Or to say it more accurately prospective parents looking for a school to educate and develop their child to reach their maximum potential are not interested in signing up for your newsletter.


They need you to solve a problem or give them some kind of value.


If you don’t (or if it isn’t obvious to them that you do), that prospective parent will quickly disengage and look somewhere else.


I’m sorry to be s…

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