Frequently Asked Questions

How is Nido Marketing different from other digital marketing agencies?
Why should I work with you?

We work exclusively with Montessori schools. We’re experts at overcoming the challenges of marketing the unique benefits of Montessori education to prospective parents. 

We’re Montessorians. We understand the challenges of running a school because we’ve done it ourselves. 

We’re backed by the best Google Ads agency in the business - Solutions 8. We’re not going anywhere!

We’re honest. We’re honest with each other and with our clients. We’re upfront about our pricing. If something isn’t working, we let you know. If we make a mistake, we own it. Honesty is the foundation of our company.

We’re responsive. We listen to your needs and go the extra mile to help your schools thrive. When we don’t know the answer, we work to find it.

We’re proactive. We constantly look for new opportunities to go further. We’re creative in our problem-solving. We ask ourselves how can we do more? We lean in.

We believe all children deserve a Montessori education.

What’s the difference between Nido Marketing and Montessori Thrive?

Nido Marketing provides digital marketing services for Montessori schools. As the agency side of the house, we specialize in websites, admissions software, content, and advertising services exclusively for Montessori schools. All Nido Marketing clients receive a free membership to Montessori Thrive.

Montessori Thrive is our membership site serving the Montessori community that has grown up around Nido Marketing. It’s a place to exchange resources and ideas with other Montessori school leaders. We also host and sponsor Montessori Town Halls and a Montessori Parenting Education Series. Montessori is all about community, after all! 

More Questions

Here are more questions that people frequently ask us:

How long will it take to build my website?

It typically takes about 3-4 weeks to build your site, and then an additional 3-4 weeks of collaborating with you to complete the final changes and integrate the Montessori CRM.

If I want to edit my website, can I do that myself?

Yes! You will have access to your website editor to edit blog content, upload and link documents, make minor edits to the content areas, and replace some images. Changes to font styles (colors, fonts, sizes) should be left in our expert hands. You will receive detailed information about our policies related to this subject in your partnership agreement. 

How customizable are your website themes?

We will customize your website to include your logo, branding, images, and content. Our themes offer a variety of layouts that include multiple pre-designated spots for photography. You will have the option to request the addition or removal of pages (30-page limit with a basic subscription), and edits to the theme’s content. However, the layouts themselves are generally not customizable since they were designed using our expertise in marketing, usability, and performance to deliver the best results! 

If you would like more customization than that we can build a fully customizable website for $10,000.00. There would be a monthly fee of $149 for hosting and maintenance. A page limit of 30 applies.

Do you offer content writing services?

At this time, we do not offer content writing services but we are happy to apply any edits you make to the theme’s content or any new content you provide for your new website. 

What happens to my website if I cancel my subscription?

Our websites are subscription-based, much like Squarespace or Wix. If you decide to cancel your subscription with Nido Marketing, then your website will also be canceled. We will work with you to transfer your information to your new provider. You can also purchase your site from us for a one-time fee of $5,000 and pay a monthly fee of $20 for hosting. 

Will you help me configure the Montessori CRM?

Yes! We will work with you to configure your Montessori CRM. You will also have access to our training videos in our Help Center.

Does your Graphic Design Plan include print designs too? How about video editing?

Yes! You can request just about any type of graphic design work and we will be happy to produce it for you.

If I subscribe to the Montessori Content plan, will you post the blogs and social posts, and schedule the emails for me?

Yes! If you submit a request form we will be happy to post them for you.

Do I need to attribute Nido Marketing on any of the content provided in the Montessori Content plan?

No. You can use the content as if it were your own.

How long does it take to build out Google Ads or Facebook ad campaigns?

It typically takes about 2 weeks.

When will I start to see results from the ad campaigns?

Technically, you’ll start to see results right away; however, it takes about 90 days for a campaign to “normalize” to the point of understanding how it will perform long-term. In other words, we pour a whole lot of strategy into building your campaign — but the magic really happens after a few weeks of data analysis and optimization. 

How often do you review ad campaigns?

We review them every few days and make adjustments as necessary. We meet with you every month to review search terms and go over your campaigns’ performance.

Do you have other questions?

Click on the chat widget over there in the corner, type in your question, and we’ll get back to you straight away! 
