Montessori Marketing Insider

Web Design and Management

Crafting an Effective Homepage for Your Montessori School Website


The homepage of your Montessori school website will set the tone for prospective families and play a huge role in giving them a first impression. A well-designed homepage can significantly impact your school's ability to attract and engage new families. A homepage should include imagery, opportunities for learning, and invitations for website visitors to take action. Here are our tips for creating a homepage that will help your school grow enrollment: 

1. Lead with Your Benefits

mission statement

One of the f…

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5 Ways To Improve Your Montessori School Website


Your website serves as a virtual doorway into the unique learning environment your school offers. Having a strong online presence is a crucial component of attracting and engaging prospective parents. If you're looking to build a website that effectively communicates your school's values, engages visitors, and converts leads, then there are several ways you can make improvements to elevate your site and give prospective families a great first impression of your school and…

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Tuition On Your Montessori School Website: To Publish or Not to Publish?


One of the most popular pages on your school website is most likely the tuition page. Once a parent determines that you offer programs for their child, they will jump to the tuition page to check your rates. Unfortunately, once they have that information, they’ll probably leave your site. In other words, they won’t learn more about your school and you won’t know who they are. 

“But wait!” you say. “We’re a Montessori school! We’re nothing like that other school across town.” 

But it’s too lat…

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What Are You Missing Out On When Your School Website Is Outdated?


We know that having a good school website may not be on the top of your priority list. When leading a school, there is so much that comes first... and it often leaves your school website neglected and outdated. Unfortunately, this can lead to many missed opportunities. As a school, your website is a hugely important tool for marketing, admissions, operations, and much more. So, let's talk about what you are missing out on by having an outdated website and how you can remedy it!

A Good First Imp…

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How To Make Your Website Your Star Admissions Assistant | Part 1: Your Homepage

Imagine your perfect admissions assistant. What would she be like? She’d consistently offer a great first impression of your school. She’d be friendly, intelligent, professional, organized, and hardworking. She would answer questions, educate prospective parents, take messages, provide tuition information, and schedule tours based on your availability. All without any direct supervision from you. 

The perfect employee, right? Even better, now imagine this assistant worked tirelessly 24 hours a …

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7 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of G Suite For Education

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G Suite for Education is Google's software suite created to include all of Google's main components (such as calendar, sheets, docs, etc.) all in one package for teachers to easily be able to implement their lessons virtually and to manage their classroom effectively. 

This software allows teachers to manage faculty meetings, student activities, lesson plans, and much more. There are so many possibilities with G-suite, but it can be a bit overwhelming to use at the start if you aren't "tech-sav…

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Why Sliding Header Images Are Costing You Enrollments


Most marketing professionals have their own set of tried and true practices; their favorite tools and methods for promoting clients’ products and services.


However, there’s one marketing tool in particular that appears to elicit an almost visceral response when mentioned to the pros – sliding headers. Image sliders. Carousels.


Whatever you call them, conversion rate experts across the board agree under no uncertain terms that you should stop using them immediately.


They’re simply …

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The Top 16 Must-Haves for Every Montessori School Website


What is the very first thing a prospective parent is going to do if they’re interested in your school?


Visit your website.


This is as true for warm referrals as it is for someone who just happened to drive by.


Your website is your school’s first first impression. All too often, we tend to think of a website simply as a digital brochure—a quick and convenient way for people to find your phone number or address.


The problem with this thinking is it diminishes the critical role your…

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Canva: Design Professional-Looking Images for Your Montessori School


You know what they say:


You never get a second chance to make a first impression.


Nowadays that first impression comes long before an actual in-person meeting, which is something to think about when choosing and creating online images for your Montessori school.


What do we mean by that?


Consider the profile photos you use to represent your school on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.


Are they clean and professional looking?


What message do they send to prospect…

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What to Do When Your Website Goes Down

What to Do When Your Website Goes Down

So you’ve created the best Montessori website you’ve ever seen, if you do say so yourself.

Your content is as enlightening as it is captivating, your design the epitome of elegance and your navigational capabilities are off the charts. You’ve created a rich experience for all your visitors, present and future . . .

Except for the ones who won’t get to see it when your website goes down.

Not only will your current clientele be unable to access information they need, but the longer it takes to fix,…

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