Montessori Marketing Insider

Paid Advertising

5 Things Montessori Schools Should Know Before Running Paid Google Ad Campaigns

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Running paid Google Ad campaigns can be a game-changer for Montessori schools looking to increase their visibility and grow enrollment. However, diving into the world of digital advertising can be daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of Google Ads. Here are five essential things Montessori schools should know before launching their Google Ad campaigns.


1. Budget Considerations: Invest Wisely

One of the first things to consider when starting a Google Ad campaign is…

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Should You Listen to Google’s Advice About Google Ads?

Google Ads

If you are running Google Ads for your Montessori school, you have most likely encountered Google's "recommendation" notifications about your Google Ads. It's hard to ignore the emails from Google Ads representatives offering several suggestions for your campaigns. It can be tempting to just move forward and accept their recommendations... after all, if they are recommending it, surely it must be the right choice, right?

Well... not necessarily. Let's break down the types of recommendations tha…

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How Call Tracking Benefits Your Montessori School Marketing


If you are spending some of your marketing budget on paid advertising, it makes sense to understand what marketing channels are the most successful at producing leads and enrolled families for your Montessori school.

Tracking phone calls plays a vital role in determining which ads are performing well. 

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about call tracking...

montessori marketing budget

What is call tracking?

Call tracking software allows us to determine how callers found your school. Marketers (lik…

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Observation & Consistency: Why Montessorians Already Have What It Takes To Run Great Google Ads!


We Know Google Ads Can Be Intimidating... But They Don't Have To Be!

As digital marketers in the Montessori space, we know that Montessorians are not experts when it comes to pay-per-click ads. We are here to tell you that you don't have to be a marketing expert in order to run successful paid digital advertising campaigns that will reach the right prospective families and increase your enrollment year upon year. You just need to be observant and consistent... which, fortunately, are qualities …

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The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads


What Is Google Ads? How Does Google Ads Work?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is so much more than those little paid ads at the top of a search results page—although that’s how most of us might recognize it:

Admittedly, the online advertising industry is known for being a bit cryptic to the average person. 

So if you keep hearing about “PPC advertising” or “Google Ads” and just want to understand what the heck these things mean—this guide is here to help. 

No shame in learning (or rel…

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5 Tips for Effective Montessori School Facebooks Ads


Facebook is the world’s largest social media network, with over 2.89 billion monthly active users worldwide. 

When you think about that for a moment, it’s no wonder roughly 5 million businesses choose to advertise on the social media site.

With a little time and effort, Facebook can be a powerful advertising tool for your Montessori school—one that can help you increase enrollment by reaching even more potential families.

In this blog we will take a look at how to utilize Facebook advertising…

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5 Reasons Why Google Ads Work for Montessori Schools


Most Montessori schools rely on organic search (SEO) and social media alone. And while these two marketing channels are good long-term strategies, they aren’t the best channel that will produce results for you right now.

And by right now, we’re talking about getting results within the next few months or even as early as your first month!

So, how do you get results fast? 

By progressively being in front of the right people at the right time. 

That’s where Google Ads come in.

In a nutshell, G…

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Montessorians: Increase Your Visibility with Organic Social Media Posting


I’m going to be a bit blunt here:

Instagram is not a magic ticket. Nor is it the most important component of digital marketing. And while we’re at it, effective social media marketing takes a lot of time, strategizing — and in most cases, money.

I realize we’re not off to a great start here! It’s not that I’m trying to talk you out of social media marketing, it’s that I want to be very clear about where it fits for a Montessori school.

If your one and only pain point right now is increasi…

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Call Tracking Metrics: What it Is, Why We Use it, and How it Benefits Your Montessori School


With more and more conversions happening over the phone, calls have become a key measure for tracking digital marketing success.


Nowadays, smart businesses are utilizing innovative call tracking tools to find out which of their advertising efforts are getting results and using that information to optimize their digital marketing strategy for an even better return on investment. 

Guess what? Your Montessori school is no exception.

As you know, our goal at Nido Marketing is to help Mon…

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There’s a major problem with Facebook

There’s a major problem with Facebook

Let me start by saying that problems with Facebook aren’t new. In an article I wrote in January of 2018, I referenced the ongoing problems with Facebook misrepresenting data.

Even so, it was a viable advertising network, specifically for Montessori schools who generally have very limited advertising dollars. Facebook was a cost effective way to get the word out about your school and attract mission appropriate parents.

That’s simply not true any longer.

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