Montessori Marketing Insider

Google My Business: Enable parents to discover your Montessori School on Google

Google My Business - Enable parents to discover your Montessori School on Google

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Calendly: Let Parents Schedule a Tour Online, for Free


If you’re looking for a quick win for your Montessori school’s marketing, this is the blog for you.


We’ll be discussing Calendly, a software that allows parents to schedule a tour online for free, with automatic follow-up and rescheduling, completely eliminating the need for manual scheduling.


Interested? Let’s get started

The Problem

If you are like most Montessori schools, you manually schedule tours. Someone in your office has the unfortunate task of scheduling, confirming, remindi…

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Trackable links: Powerful (and easy) website tracking that you've never heard of

Trackable links - Powerful (and easy) website tracking that you've never heard of

Have you ever:

  • Felt frustrated by the lack of clarity in your website analytics data?
  • Known that your social marketing was effective but not sure exactly which part?
  • Wished you knew which marketing efforts produced the best tours?


It’s incredibly frustrating to try to make major decisions without accurate and specific data, especially when it comes to online marketing. That’s why tracking should be a critical piece of every Montessori school’s marketing strategy.


In fact, how seri…

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Cost Per Enrollment: Know This Number and Win at Marketing


Marketing has changed.


You no longer have to advertise as broadly as possible in hopes that your school enrollment increases as a by-product.


Now, you can track (down to the penny) how much each new enrollment costs you and where you should direct your budget to reap the best results.


That’s the magic number: your cost per enrollment (hereafter referred to as CPE).


Knowing this number will allow you to reliably increase your Montessori school’s enrollment through digital marke…

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Lead Magnets: Why No One Wants Your Newsletter (and What to Do Instead)

Lead magnets - why no one wants your newsletter and what to do instead


Or to say it more accurately prospective parents looking for a school to educate and develop their child to reach their maximum potential are not interested in signing up for your newsletter.


They need you to solve a problem or give them some kind of value.


If you don’t (or if it isn’t obvious to them that you do), that prospective parent will quickly disengage and look somewhere else.


I’m sorry to be s…

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Yelp: Your Yelp Profile Looks Lost. Go Claim It!

Yelp -Your Yelp Profile Looks Lost. Go Claim It!

Did you know that Apple Maps, an app included on every device Apple ever made, uses Yelp for its business information?


That’s several million devices that don’t know who you are if you haven’t claimed your Yelp profile.


And guess what?


You can do it in about 5 minutes.


Yelp business profiles: An overview

You might be wondering what exactly a Yelp profile is.


Essentially, a Yelp profile is an online business listing that users can search for and engage with online. It is …

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All You Need to Know About Montessori School Marketing

Beyond billboards, pamphlets, and bumper stickers, there is much more you can do to market your Montessori school and provide exposure so that your message can reach to prospective parents. In today’s date, it is simply not enough to build a great Montessori school to attract parents. The earning capacity and value of such an establishment generally depends on two things: the quality of education and how well you market your school to your prospective customers.

Unfortunately, great marketing r…

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Top of the Funnel Content: What it Is and Why You Need it

For content marketing to be successful, it’s imperative to first have a deep understanding of your audience. As a Montessori school, you are very familiar with your avatar, i.e. parents and families who are your target audience.

However, it’s important to also know where each individual prospect is in your sales funnel.

Here’s what I mean:

There are three levels of commitment and interest when it comes to families who visit your Montessori website.

  1. Top of the Funnel = Awareness
  2. Middle of …

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How to Plan Your Content for the Year

While the Montessori Method isn’t new, the way Montessori schools market themselves is ever-changing.

In our modern world of digital-everything, content marketing is absolutely essential to any Montessori school’s digital marketing strategy.

But it’s not as easy as writing a blog once a month.

In many ways, creating an effective content schedule is a lot like creating a lesson plan for a Montessori class:

It’s all about asking questions, considering what theories and topics matter most, and …

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Tell It to Me Straight: What Is Digital Marketing?

For those of us who work in the wild world of digital marketing, we don’t think twice about the buzzwords and abstract terms we throw around.


Lead generation.



To the average, sane person, these terms don’t really mean anything. Even worse? The term “digital marketing” itself is just as elusive and mysterious.

What is digital marketing? Bare bones, stripped down, and jargon-less. What is it?

Let’s break it down:

First, What Is Marketing?

Basically, marketin…

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