Building Brighter Futures: Montessori Education for Gaza's Refugee Children

Children of Palestine

At Nido Marketing, we are honored to support and amplify the efforts of "Montessori on Wheels" (MoW), Enriching Environments, and Heal Palestine in their mission to provide essential Montessori education to children who have escaped the devastation of Gaza and found refuge in Cairo, Egypt. These children have endured unimaginable hardships, and through the combined efforts of MoW, Heal Palestine, and Enriching Environments, they alongside their families are being given a chance to rebuild their …

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Meet The Nido Marketing Team In Nashville At The AMS Conference!


Will you be attending the AMS Conference in Nashville this year? If so, this is your chance to talk to Montessori Marketing experts from the Nido Marketing team about how you can grow your enrollment! Nido Marketing is excited to be presenting at this year's conference. We will be there to connect with school leaders, give away some free resources, and answer all of your Montessori Marketing Questions! 

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Catch Our Administration Workshop on Friday, March 1…

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A Step-by-Step Guide to the Parent Enrollment Life Cycle

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Parent Enrollment Life Cycle

You may not think about it every time you welcome a new student into your school, but the journey a parent takes from interest to enrollment is an important one.

For example, what encourages them to take that initial step from visiting your website to requesting tuition information or scheduling a tour?

What makes them choose to submit their application to your Montessori school instead of another school in the area?

And when they walk their child through the door on that first day, what make…

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Fundraising: Raise More Money with Intention



We can all agree this is an area of discomfort for most Montessorians, yet a necessity to keep our doors open.

To make things more challenging, many Montessori schools are smaller nonprofits with limited bandwidth. And those Montessori schools that aren’t nonprofits also face fundraising challenges for specific initiatives.

So, we’re left wondering how we can possibly extend ourselves in our fundraising efforts when we have so many other things on our plate.

The answer isn’t bl…

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This Thursday we welcome Paula Lillard Preschlack to talk about building parent relationships and connecting them to your mission!

Hi Montessorians,

We know how challenging it can be to find the magic key to building strong parent relationships. The truth is, every school community is different and what works for one school may not work for another. Our guest this week will talk to us about building parent relationships and connecting them to your mission, the ultimate key to a thriving, reliable community of families.


Paula Lillard Preschlack is a dedicated Montessorian who, like many of us, wears many hats. S…

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HOS Bonnie Shearer joins us this Thursday to discuss staffing our school's with quality, trained staff! News You Can Use 5/7/2019

Hi Montessorians,

Here is this week's News You Can Use! 



  • For last week's coaching call Liz and Izzy joined us and gave a quick tutorial on Transparent Classroom, as we learned about its capability to make you and your staff's lives a lot easier. My favorite part is how this tool helps us connect with parents through various, easy-to-use avenues so we can continue to build their trust in us! If you missed the call and are wondering about this platform, you can view the recording…

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Transparent Classroom folks are with us this Thursday! News You Can Use 4/30/2019

Hi Montessorians,

It's the last day in April! Here's this week's News You Can Use. 



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Kathy Minardi and George Markham join us this Thursday! News You Can Use 4/23/2019

Hi Montessorians,

We hear often about the challenges of working with a limited marketing budget. Kasim wrote a great blog called "What Should a Montessori School Spend on Paid Advertising Channels". Check it out here

If you haven't yet joined our private Facebook group, now is the time to do it! We check in periodically via FB live and post often about new happenings and interesting topics of interest. Members can post questions and start great conversations. One recent question was asked ab…

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A team from the Montessori Institute of North Texas joins us this Thursday to discuss their new course: Montessori Core Principles. News You Can Use 4/16/2019

Hi Montessorians,

We are so sorry about the technological glitches from last week! 




  • For this week's conversation we will welcome a wonderful crew of women from the Montessori Institute of North Texas (MINT). Susan Hamilton, Uma Ramani, and Tiffany Liddell will speak about the new AMI Certificate Course Montessori Core Principles for administrators, parents, policy makers, and anyone interested in diving deeper into Montessori principles. Join us for the call this Thursday …

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Kathy Minardi from Whole School Leadership Institute joins us to discuss the leadership programs available! News You Can Use 4/9/2019

Hi Montessorians,

Here is this week's News You Can Use, with a fresh new image from your Nido team members! 




  • During last week's call Matt Hillis answered questions from live attendees. We discussed why data should drive your marketing decisions, how collecting prospects email addresses can help build your enrollment, and record-keeping for your guides. You can watch the recording here.

  • For this week's conversation we have another special guest! Kathy Minardi, the executiv…

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