Building Brighter Futures: Montessori Education for Gaza's Refugee Children

Children of Palestine

At Nido Marketing, we are honored to support and amplify the efforts of "Montessori on Wheels" (MoW), Enriching Environments, and Heal Palestine in their mission to provide essential Montessori education to children who have escaped the devastation of Gaza and found refuge in Cairo, Egypt. These children have endured unimaginable hardships, and through the combined efforts of MoW, Heal Palestine, and Enriching Environments, they alongside their families are being given a chance to rebuild their lives and dreams.

Montessori on Wheels



About Montessori on Wheels & Montessori Gaza

MoW is moving education liberation forward by co-creating Montessori-based learning environments within Black and Brown communities, ensuring that children and families can learn, play, and dream together. MoW is committed to empowering families as their child’s first educator and to creating spaces that are culturally relevant for children of color to express their joy and creativity. Much like Nido Marketing, they believe that every child is worthy and deserving of having access to a high quality Montessori education. After seeing the devastation that took place from October of last year in Gaza, MoW wanted to help the children who have been displaced. This inspired them to help through their Montessori Gaza initiative.  

Montessori Gaza delivers accessible, high-quality early childhood services through Montessori mobile and static environments; nurturing children and families in safe environments while supporting physical and mental healing post-conflict. 

Montessori on Wheels classroom

A Critical Intervention for a Displaced Generation

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in severe destruction and displacement. Since October last year, more than 12,300 children have been killed, injured, or displaced due to relentless bombings. The situation is dire, with widespread food and water insecurity, the destruction of critical infrastructure, and the large-scale displacement of families. In this chaotic environment, education becomes a beacon of hope and stability.

Montessori on Wheels (MoW) recognizes the urgent need for educational support for these displaced children. Partnering with Heal Palestine and Enriching Environments, MoW is delivering a vital educational program designed to meet the unique needs of children in post-conflict settings. This initiative is not just about teaching; it’s about healing, nurturing, and empowering.

Palestine Montessori

Montessori Education: A Beacon of Hope

Dr. Maria Montessori once wrote that children are often the forgotten citizens of society, yet they possess an inherent sacredness and potential that must be unearthed and nurtured. This sentiment is particularly poignant in the context of Gaza, where children's lives and futures have been shattered by conflict. The destruction of schools has been so extensive that it has been termed "scholasticide" by Gazan writer Amira Ahmed – the systematic obliteration of the education system. Education, however, is resilient. It promises a brighter future and is a crucial investment in the lives of young learners. Despite the overwhelming challenges, education can bridge the developmental gaps left by conflict. 

Through MoW, children are provided with a safe, nurturing environment where they can learn and grow. This initiative not only supports their cognitive development but also offers emotional and psychological healing. It also empowers parents to actively participate in their children's education, reinforcing the notion that families are a child's first and most important educators. Because of the traumatizing environment in Gaza, parents are often unable to be separated from their children. Through Montessori training, this program will be equipping parents and families with the knowledge and tools necessary to provide a quality education to their children.


Restoring Childhoods, Reimagining Futures

Montessori on Wheels aspires to restore the childhoods of these displaced children, offering them a semblance of normalcy and a platform to dream again. The Montessori approach is particularly effective in this context, as it fosters independence, critical thinking, and a love for learning – essential tools for children who have experienced trauma and disruption.

By creating culturally relevant learning spaces, MoW ensures that children feel connected to their heritage and identity, even in unfamiliar settings. This connection is crucial for their psychological well-being and helps them build a positive self-image and a sense of belonging. This program is currently only for children aged 3 to 6, but there is a place for everyone. The end goal is to reintegrate children into a society that makes them functional beings and equal contributors to the social fabric, while supporting their evolving capacities. In the end, true and lasting peace can be attained when children are empowered to live and exist without the difficulties of war, to understand the world around them as they grow, and to have an education that allows them to dream beyond the bullets. Montessori education is the ultimate weapon for peace, and the hope of a better tomorrow for the children of Gaza.


Join Us in Making a Difference

At Nido Marketing, we are committed to supporting MoW in raising the necessary funds to sustain and expand this crucial program. By leveraging our expertise in marketing and community engagement, we aim to spread the word about the incredible work being done and to rally support from individuals and organizations around the world. We believe that every child deserves access to quality education, regardless of their circumstances. Through our collaboration with MoW, we hope to provide these children with the tools they need to overcome their past and build a brighter future.

The crisis in Gaza is unprecedented, and the need for educational support is immense. We invite you to join us in supporting Montessori on Wheels and their mission to bring hope, healing, and education to Gaza’s refugee children. Your contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of these young learners, offering them a chance to heal, grow, and thrive. Together, we can ensure that education speaks louder than the bombs, providing a path to recovery and a beacon of hope for the future.

Here's What You Can Do Now:

Donate Now!

1. Amplify Montessori Gaza on social media, in your local Community and in your school communications, let Parents know how they can help. Share the donation link on your socials, in your newsletter, and on your school website. 

2. Arrange a fundraiser at your school, we can provide marketing material to support your event, just let us know what you need and we will provide resources digitally. You don't have to be a Nido Marketing client to receive free personalized marketing materials for this initiative. 

3. Spread the word and donate! Share donation links with your friends and families and on your personal Instagram accounts. 

4. Follow Montessori on Wheels on Instagram for updates on Montessori Gaza and more information on how you can help. 

Read the Montessori Gaza Blog Here

Read More About the Montessori Gaza Plan


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