A Member's Journey - News You Can Use - 2/19/2019

Hi Montessorians, 

We hope you had a great weekend! If you were at the AMI Refresher Course in NOLA, hopefully you had a chance to reconnect with old friends and make some new connections. It's great to fuel our tanks with such a wonderful group of Montessorians!



  • In last week's conversation we discussed how to support your new families so they feel connected to your mission and turn into long-term families. We talked about grabbing the attention of parents when they're eager to learn more and how important that is for the longevity their experience at your school. If you missed it, watch the recording here
  • For this week's conversation we invite David Kirby, co-founder of Acton Academy in Washington D.C., and a current 4th plane Nido member. David will discuss what the Acton team did to prepare their marketing strategies for a new community and the role Nido Marketing played to help their school grow fast. He will share with us his struggles, successes, and tips, so be sure to join the call this week by registering here.

We look forward to seeing you call on Thursday, February 21st at 10:30 am PST / 1:30pm EST. Register here or go to www.nidomarketing.com/coaching.


"We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit."

-Dr. Maria Montessori


The Nido Marketing Team


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